Bill Rambles About Aging Art and the Super Bowl

Monday Morning Podcast 11-4-19

Bill rambles near Pats/Ravens, onetime man shit, and fighting a cat.

Direct download: MMPC_11-four-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:21am PDT

Mon Morn Podcast 10-14-19

Bill rambles about privacy, reasons for a panic room, and climate change rebuttals.

Straight download: MMPC_10-14-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 6:09pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning time Podcast 10-ten-19

Nib rambles nearly bar commotions, taking tests, and Yale students.

Directly download: TAMMP_10-10-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:13am PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 10-7-19

Bill rambles virtually the end of the decade, rivalries, and climatic change.

Straight download: MMPC_10-7-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:43am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 10-three-19

Pecker rambles about unseen minorities, back ailments, and Jeffery Dahmer'due south dessert.

Straight download: TAMMP_10-3-xix.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 3:01pm PDT

Mon Forenoon Podcast 9-xxx-19

Bill rambles about football game, cancel culture karma, and gives a standing ovation.

Direct download: MMP_9-30-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:35pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 9-26-19

Bill rambles about football game, the problems with style, and crazy names.

Direct download: TAMMP_9-26-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 9-23-19

Bill rambles nigh uniforms, the Emmys, and keeping your trap shut.

Direct download: MMPC_-_9-23-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:23am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 9-19-19

Bill rambles with comedian and friend Jim Gaffigan.

Direct download: TAMMP_9-19-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52am PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 9-sixteen-19

Bill rambles about Iron Maiden, football game, and Sovereign States.

Straight download: MMPC_9-sixteen-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 12:55pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Mon Morning Podcast ix-12-19

Bill rambles about doing radio, week one, and flight simulators.

Direct download: TAMMP_9-12-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: eleven:49am PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 9-9-19

Bill rambles nigh the NFL, Vegas, and Dr Phil.

Direct download: MMPC_9-9-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Forenoon Podcast 9-5-nineteen

Beak rambles about Fudgie the Whale, jokes, and putting out life fires.

Direct download: TAMMP_9-5-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:21pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast ix-2-nineteen

Nib rambles about coin, the South, and parenting.

Direct download: MMPC_9-2-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:58pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 8-29-19

Bill rambles about hurricanes, mumble rappers, and hot sleepers.

Direct download: TAMMP_8-29-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: six:15pm PDT

Mon Morning Podcast eight-26-19

Beak rambles about celebrating, Sonny Liston/Cleveland Williams, and dentitions.

Direct download: MMPC_8-26-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:08am PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Morn Podcast viii-22-nineteen

Bill rambles nearly townies,homeless people, and Herbie Hancock.

Direct download: TAMMP_8-22-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:18pm PDT

Monday Morn Podcast 8-xix-nineteen

Neb rambles nearly MotoGP, cooking shows, and inheritances.

Straight download: MMPC_8-19-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 10:01am PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 8-xv-19

Bill rambles almost racing, museums, and Nia reads a review.

Straight download: TAMMP_8-15-nineteen.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 1:18pm PDT

Mon Morn Podcast 8-12-19

Beak rambles about Epstein, 'Exercise What You lot Dear', and helping schools.

Directly download: MMPC_8-12-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning time Podcast 8-8-xix

Nib rambles about pizza in Brooklyn, baseball, and losing friends.

Straight download: TAMMP_8-8-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:49am PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast viii-ane-19

Bill rambles about making super humans, fighting styles, and protest violence.

Directly download: TAMMP_8-1-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:13am PDT

Monday Morn Podcast 7-29-xix

Bill rambles about baseball game, fatties, and the theater.

Direct download: MMPC_7-29-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01pm PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Morn Podcast 7-26-19

Bill and Nia ramble most Fourth dimension Square and Gemini's.

Direct download: TAMMP_7-26-xix.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 1:38pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast vii-22-19

Bill rambles about the eighty's, cocaine, and getting your woman to the gym.

Direct download: MMPC_7-22-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:14pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast vii-18-19

Neb rambles about heat waves, conference calls, and the prison house arrangement.

Direct download: TAMMP_7-18-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: four:16pm PDT

Mon Morning Podcast 7-15-19

Bill rambles about unruly comedy gild guests, the blackout, and levels of British-ness.

Direct download: MMPC_7-15-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 7-eleven-19

Pecker rambles about wheel deaths, casting whores, and the offseason.

Direct download: TAMMP_7-11-xix.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 11:16am PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast 7-8-19

Bill rambles about terminators, redheads, and fetishes.

Direct download: MMPC_7-8-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 7:12pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Mon Morn Podcast vii-5-19

Bill rambles about American Wars, root beer floats, and the NBA Summer.

Direct download: TAMMP_7-5-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 7-1-nineteen

Bill rambles with Justin Long about 90's Pride Parades,  acting, and classic television.

Direct download: MMPC_7-1-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: x:39pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Mon Morn Podcast 6-27-19

Pecker rambles about Broadway, side effects of a mustache, and comedy audiences.

Direct download: TAMMP_6-27-nineteen.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 10:17am PDT

Mon Morning time Podcast 6-24-19

Pecker rambles about Cuban cigars, drums, and people that are "blunt."

Straight download: MMPC_6-24-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: xi:23am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 6-20-nineteen

Bill rambles while finishing his raw almonds. He apologizes for eating during the get-go 5 mins.

Direct download: TAMMPC_6-20-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:16pm PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast 6-17-nineteen

Bill rambles nigh men dying immature, being aggressive, and fun funerals.

Direct download: MMPC_6-17-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: eleven:00pm PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 6-13-xix

Bill rambles nearly Finals, sports commentators, and sad Drake.

Direct download: TAMMP_6-thirteen-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:33pm PDT

Mon Forenoon Podcast 6-10-19

Bill rambles nigh New York, pretending to care, and the U.S. economy.

Direct download: MMPC_6-10-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 9:32am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 6-6-19

Bill rambles about the NHL, Staten Isle, and the lovely Nia.

Straight download: TAMMP_6-six-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: ane:32pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast vi-3-19

Bill rambles about playoff fans, reanimation on a movie set, and Jeopardy James.

Direct download: MMPC_6-3-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: half dozen:25am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning time Podcast 5-30-19

Bill rambles with comedian Steve Byrne almost the early days of comedy, getting into fights, and his new documentary.

Straight download: TAMMP_5-30-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:56pm PDT

Mon Morning Podcast 5-27-19

Bill rambles most the upper east side, depression, and accident jobs.

Direct download: MMPC_5-27-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: three:44pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 5-23-19

Bill talks with comedian Steve Sweeney about Boston, fighting, and success.

Direct download: TAMMP_5-23-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: two:23pm PDT

Monday Morn Podcast 5-20-xix

Bill rambles about playoffs, talking points, and ghosting mid-date.

Straight download: MMPC_5-twenty-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: viii:49am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morn Podcast 5-16-nineteen

Bill sits downwards with Duff McKagan of Guns and Roses to talk about his new album.

Directly download: TAMMP_5-16-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: six:33am PDT

Mon Morning Podcast v-thirteen-nineteen

Bill rambles almost drugstores, dirty birds, and perverts in the park.

Straight download: MMPC_5-xiii-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 5-nine-19

Nib rambles nearly playoffs, inflight movies, and a certain Patriots jacket.

Direct download: TAMMP_5-9-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: viii:05am PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 5-6-nineteen

Neb rambles with Joe Bartnick about Europe, religious recruiting, and spin the canteen.

Direct download: MMPC_5-6-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: nine:40am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 5-2-xix

Nib rambles well-nigh the age of humanity, Endgame, and becoming Billy Birkenstock.

Straight download: TAMMP_5-two-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38am PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast iv-29-nineteen

Bill rambles about fishing, volcanoes, and My Ii Dads.

Direct download: MMPC_4-29-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:59am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast iv-25-xix

Bill sits down with vocalist-songwriter and bassist Tal Wilkenfeld.

Direct download: TAMMP_4-25-19_w._TalWilkenfeld.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm PDT

Monday Morning time Podcast 4-22-19

Bill rambles well-nigh militant vegans, God Bless America, and adult circumcisions.

Direct download: MMPC_4-22-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: vii:32am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Mon Morning Podcast four-eighteen-19

Nib rambles nigh fatties, the playoffs, and old man theories.

Straight download: TAMMP_4-18-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: half dozen:05pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast four-15-xix

Nib rambles about Tiger Wood, war games, and groping.

Direct download: MMPC_4-15-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 4:08pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 4-11-xix

Beak rambles about Premiere League, Hollywood deals, and pearls.

Straight download: TAMMP_4-11-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 1:33pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast four-8-19

Bill rambles about wigs, femurs, and Cadbury Eggs.

Direct download: MMPC_4-8-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:38am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast four-4-19

Pecker rambles nigh a clemency gig, production jingles, and green smoothies.

Straight download: TAMMP_4-4-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: x:59am PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 4-1-19

Nib rambles about F1, Dumbo and station wagons.

Straight download: MMPC_4-one-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:59am PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 3-28-19

Bill sits down with drummer and percussionist Stephen Perkins.

Straight download: TAMMP_3-28-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: viii:37am PDT

Monday Morning Podcast three-25-xix

Neb rambles about vegans, reading, and angry teachers.

Direct download: MMPC_3-25-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: nine:58am PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast

Neb sits down with Les Claypool to talk near his new project, The Claypool Lennon Delirium.

Direct download: TAMMP_3-21-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast 3-18-19

Bill rambles nigh F1, not wearing a shirt, and gets on his freckled soap box most taxes.

Direct download: MMP_3-18-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:27pm PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Forenoon Podcast 3-14-19

Bill rambles about documentaries, New Yorkers, and female serial killers.

Directly download: TAMMP_3-xiv-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: five:17pm PDT

Monday Morning time Podcast 3-11-19

Bill rambles about Direct Television, meditation, and the Beatles.

Directly download: MMPC_3-xi-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Mon Morning Podcast 3-seven-19

Nib rambles about weed/alcohol, R Kelly, and punching plaster.

Direct download: TAMMP_3-7-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 6:44pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 3-4-19

Bill rambles about the digging up the dead, taping a special and burping at the gym.

Direct download: MMPC_3-4-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:16am PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast two-28-xix

Beak rambles about Liverpool, nutrient, and Beatles history.

Direct download: TAMMP_2-28-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: ane:49am PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast two-25-19

Bill rambles about the legacy of Brody Stevens, the American dream, and taking it easy.

Direct download: MMP_2-25-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Mon Morning time Podcast 2-21-19

Bill rambles about New York, faulty sneakers, and classic television.

Direct download: TAMMP_2-21-nineteen.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: four:38pm PDT

Monday Morning time Podcast two-18-19

Bill rambles with director Jason Reitman.

Straight download: MMPC_2-eighteen-nineteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:29am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morn Podcast 2-14-xix

Pecker rambles most marketable politicians, time to come debates, and expiry in children's stories.

Straight download: TAMMP_2-14-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27pm PDT

Monday Morn Podcast 2-11-19

Bill rambles about room service, positions of ability and a adult female named Butch.

Straight download: MMPC_2-11-19.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: ix:43am PDT

Th Afternoon Mon Morning Podcast 2-vii-19

Bill rambles near turtlenecks, the emergency room, and buying country back in the twenty-four hours.

Directly download: TAMMP_2-7-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: ix:27pm PDT

Mon Morning Podcast 2-4-nineteen

Beak rambles with the lovely Nia almost the winning, serial killers, and accidentally ruining a threesome.

Direct download: MMPC_2-4-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: viii:58am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Mon Morning Podcast 1-31-19

Neb rambles about aging, art, and the Super Basin.

Straight download: TAMMP_1-31-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:43pm PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast i-28-19

Bill sits downwardly with Josh Adam Meyers to talk near his podcast 'The 500', classic albums, and failed vasectomies.

the 500 with Josh Adam Meyers: states of america/podcast/the-500-with-josh-adam-meyers/id1440000749?mt=ii

Straight download: MMPC_1-28-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: nine:05am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Forenoon Podcast ane-26-19

Nib rambles nigh beingness late with the podcast, expiring technology, and his Tv crushes.

Directly download: TAMMP_1-26-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: x:30am PDT

Monday Morn Podcast ane-21-19

Pecker rambles about NFL Championships, staying attractive, and conspiracies that turned out to be truthful.

Direct download: MMPC_1-21-xix.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: nine:30am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Forenoon Podcast ane-17-19

Bill rambles with Nia about being sensitive, Tv set, and how to tell your g/f to be healthy.

Direct download: TAMMP_1-17-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: six:19pm PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast one-fourteen-xix

Bill rambles about German Saunas, NFL Playoffs, and the Cunt of Warsaw.

Direct download: MMPC_1-xv-xix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: nine:03am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Mon Morning Podcast 1-10-19

Bill rambles with Paul Virzi almost Luxury, travel, and a gay man with a little chapeau.

Straight download: TAMMP_1-10-19_.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 9:42am PDT

Monday Morning time Podcast 1-7-nineteen

Nib rambles about Deutschland, NFL playoffs, and thin privilege.

Direct download: MMPC_1-7-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:09pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morn Podcast 1-3-19

Bill rambles about community, fake asses and Tipper Gore.

Direct download: TAMMP_1-3-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:20pm PDT

Monday Morn Podcast 12-31-18

Nib rambles well-nigh missing shows, country clubs, and gypsies.

Direct download: MMPC_12-31-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:52pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 12-27-18

Pecker rambles well-nigh working your core, quondam school Celtics, and wars.

Direct download: TAMMP_12-27-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26pm PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast 12-24-eighteen

Neb rambles well-nigh having a twenty-four hour period of rest, boys vs. girls, and quitting your job.

Straight download: MMPC_12-24-eighteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:19pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 12-20-18

Neb rambles well-nigh responsibility, Christmas trees, and adapters.

Direct download: TAMMP_12-twenty-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: seven:38pm PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast 12-17-18

Bill rambles about NFL titles, Fancy Nancy, and matching tattoos.

Direct download: MMPC_12-17-18.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 5:08pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 12-13-18

Pecker sits down with Brian Regan.

Direct download: TAMMP_12-13-18_w_Brian_Regan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:17pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 12-12-18

Bill sits down with Judd Apatow.

Direct download: MMPC_12-12-18_w._Judd_Apatow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: half dozen:08pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 12-10-18

Bill rambles about Liverpool, search bars, and gift pressures.

Direct download: MMPC_12-10-18.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 8:10am PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 12-half-dozen-18

Bill rambles about honor prove speeches, an alcoholic questionnaire, and smoking a pipe.

Straight download: TAMMP_12-6-xviii.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 6:43pm PDT

Mon Morning Podcast 12-three-18

Beak rambles about existence lonely in NYC, combat pilot H.W. Bush, and the cars of F is For Family.

Direct download: MMPC_12-3-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:20pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 11-29-18

Bill rambles about gutters, ownership a tree, and alternative was to imbibe.

Direct download: TAMMP_11-29-eighteen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast eleven-26-18

Nib rambles about Skype, mall stabbings, and how to drink.

Direct download: MMPC_11-26-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24pm PDT

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 11-23-18

Bill rambles almost Thanksgiving, the new NFL, and visiting remote islands.

Direct download: TAMMP_11-23-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: four:29pm PDT

Monday Forenoon Podcast 11-19-18

Bill rambles about stay-cations, the Patrice O'Neal Benefit, and banging your roommate.

Straight download: MMPC_11-19-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:13pm PDT

the Thursday Afternoon Monday Forenoon Podcast 11-15-xviii

Bill rambles with Nia about Instagram, thirst traps, and body image.

Direct download: TAMMP_11-15-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:48pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast xi-12-xviii

Bill rambles near Hotel Donnie, Instagram, and Republic of estonia.

Direct download: MMPC_11-12-18.mp3
Category:full general -- posted at: 9:49am PDT

Th Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast xi-eight-eighteen

Bill rambles nearly Madison Foursquare Garden, press conferences, and falling out of bed.

Directly download: TAMMP_11-viii-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:35pm PDT

Monday Morning Podcast 11-5-18

Neb rambles near the hardships of being a celebrity podcaster, solving the Middle Due east trouble and wedding ceremony thing cheerleaders.

Direct download: MMPC_11-5-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:23am PDT


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